Cleansing and activating your jewellery is important to align the frequency with your own personal energy, to receive blissful healing to support your path.
Daniella, from Aiyana Energy has chanelled this step by step guide specifically for our crystal jewels.
- Hold your crystal in your non dominant hand, with your dominant hand over the top
- Breathe into your belly allowing you to sink into a meditative space
- Close your eyes and visualise your hands filling with white light
- Visualise this light surrounding the stone, and envision impurities flushing out of the stone until the crystal feels expansive with white light.
- Say "Divine crystal, I ask you to fully clear now and align with my energy, and so it is, thank you".
- Continue to breathe and visualise, until you feel the shift in the stone.
- Depending on what crystal you have, educate yourself on their personal healing properties to understand what they are best used for to assist your activation.
- Now, breathe into your heart space and set an intention with what you would like assistance/manifesting/healing with.
- Visualise your desired outcome whilst breathing with this connection through the heart
- You will feel a lightness or your own sense of confirmation once activation is set.
- You may feel a 'yes' or more relaxed once it's done.
For personal guidance book in with Aiyana Energy for a Psychic Reading, Energetic Healing and/or Counselling for support at this time.