International Womens Day | Celebrating Women

Wow.. our first ever journal is something that has been on the To-Do list for 6 years now (KKJ turns 6 this month!) + today is International Womens Day, so it seems like the perfect way to celebrate !
I am lucky enough to be surrounded by so many incredible women in my life; whether I see them everyday, chat on the phone once a week, see them once a year, or those wonderful women that I have Insta friendships with !
I asked a few of these ladies what International Womens Day means to them.
- Krystle

Its a day we celebrate how powerful, intelligent and incredible women are. Women are unbelieveable creatures that can grow a baby and also run the country !
This is a day that women are recognised for their worth and I hope one day soon we will all be seen as equal.
International Womens Day also falls on my birthday so that makes it worth celebrating even more !

For me International Womens Day isn't necessarily just a day to celebrate women and women only, I think it is a day to celebrate all the badass humans in our life who made us, who shpaed us, who laughed with us, who cried with us, who taught us and who spoke us for us.
It's a day to stand up and say 'I see you girl, It's been tough' But also 'Thank you - to all the powerful women and men who helped us get here, to where we are today.'

When I launched Sunday Lane, it was pure chance that in less than 2 years it has grown into something so much more that I could have ever imagined. In the beginning, I worked myself into the ground, day and night, desperately trying to do more, be better, to find something new. Sharing my words, my brand and getting endless feedback from women who so desperately needed to feel empowered, that is what made me believe I was doing something truly incredible.
Then came Morgan and honestly, being an incredible mum is more of a struggle to me than anything I've ever faced. I can have likes, and followers, I can have stockists and a fancy website but the kind of boy I raise means more to me then any of that. Some days motherhood ignites me, it is my biggest inspiration, my greatest achievement, it is what lights a fire in me. Other days it breaks me. I struggle with finding the right balance between work and family, Sunday Lane is easy, motherhood isn't.

This day to me always feels like a celebration, of our ability to rise above and the progress of humanity... Its also reflects the energy of women when we come together and champion one another.
The times are truly changing, things are evolving and perhaps it's even a reflection that the world is returning to a state of balance and love. As women are powerful the world heals and perhaps people as a whole feel more taken care of, seen and regraded, because we as women are the mothers of the earth.

As a women our femininity is a powerful and beautiful force. The day is an appreciation of how far we have come and also points out that we still have a long road still ahead. Its a process and something we all need to keep chipping away at. It's wonderful to note that we are all in this together and the strength of the community is infinite.

The day is so important especially as I raise two young women, I want them to feel not just equal but empowered in whatever field they choose to work in & feel respected & valued in society.
I still can't believe we are even dealing with the issues of gender equality but hey we are ! Maybe we always will be in some way but as a mother, a creative, a women... a human being : it's important to push for what I believe in & lead by example.
Women are born creators and we hold such power within us, GIRL POWER

International Womens Day to me is about celebrating how strong & powerful women really are.
I have always been surrounded by these powerful, intelligent women in business; however after carrying a baby & giving birth last year, I am in absolute awe of women.
To go through such a wonderful / traumatic / euphoric / emotional roller coaster of an experience, all while keeping a baby alive, a relationship together, trying to look after yourself PLUS running a business, it seems crazy, that we are still fighting for equality. Women really can do it all.